All Collections
Pillar Monitor
What is Pillar Monitor?
What's the application process?
What is a credit report?
What is KBA?
Making a complaint
Is my data secure?
How does Pillar collect data?
How can I raise a dispute if I think something is wrong on my credit report?
What should I do if I believe if I'm a victim of fraud?
How long is information stored on my credit report for?
Do credit reference agencies make lending decisions?
How many credit reference agencies are there?
What is a credit reference agency?
What is a credit record/report used for?
How do I close my account?
How can I change my notification settings?
What's the difference between a hard search and a soft search?
Will there be a search on my credit report?
What is my credit score?
My score has gone down. Why?
Are there ways to improve my credit score?
Why are my scores different across the different CRAs?
How often does my score get updated?
What can affect your credit score?
Does Pillar help build my credit score?
What does FHI mean?
How do I access my statutory credit report?